I always assume that online watching or reading about pet first aid is already more than sufficient. Little did I know that it was useless when I freaked out when Happy choked on a piece of turkey neck. I nearly lose her literally, googling / YouTubing for help, calling the vet clinic, crying endlessly. I was helpless and never felt that worst in my life.

Choking happens if the airway is blocked by something. When the airway is partially blocked, a dog may start gagging, pacing back and forth, and pawing at its mouth. It is important to spot these signs and react fast to dislodge the obstruction.

I count myself lucky that the choking incident did not take away Happy. Immediately I signed up for a first aid class where I physically attend a class where I can view demonstrations and participate in hands-on skills practice. The practical component truly reinforces the methods and allows you to self-pilot when your dog needs you the most. When you’re ready for the worst, you will feel psychologically powerful and tranquil when a problem comes, and you can think clearer and take action to achieve your best. There will be less panic and less questioning yourself about what to do next.

I will always be the protector of Happy’s health as Happy protect my spirit. So can you for your dog’s health

Categories: Wellbeing