Happy is born on 21 May 2020. It was love at first sight on 15 Aug 2020. She has the most charming personality and immediately we knew we have to call her Happy. 

Happy is confident and has a very trusting character. She sees every individual (humans and dogs) as her long long lost friend. I am thankful I did homework (3,000 hours of youtube) and received guidance from trainers, therapist to create the environment that made her what she is today. Nature plus Nurture to her character building and quality of life.

Happy is my first child, my first dog. As a psychology graduate, I am used to performing research work. I did my research and field experience is definitely different from theories. This page is created to document and share my personal encounters throughout the journey as a first-time dog owner. If I could turn back time, I wish I had known even more and done even more. Sharing is caring – the lessons I had learned, the guidance I was given, and my personal thoughts. 

The page is progressively updated with information on the what, how, why. Empirical researches and my personal anecdotal are also included for reference.