I had inevitably pondered the same thing as every new puppy owner “What in the world have I done? Maybe I should not have gotten Happy. As a first-time puppy owner, you will hit this point. As a new puppy mommy, I always have a view of what a dog will be like and anticipate the joys of Happy’s new arrival. The reality vs. my dream. The immediate full responsibility for an unexpectedly demanding new family member, whose demands are unremitting 24 hours a day. It is the most tiring journey that I had ever been through that I called “puppy blues”.

Puppy blues normally occur in the first week, especially when you do not have enough sleep as you spent all your time on the puppy. The toughest obstacle I had to overcome was toilet training. I never imagined it would be, or thought about how complicated, exhausting, or how much time and work it would take to get it right! At times, it made me felt as if I had taken two steps forward and one step backward.

Puppy issues and puppy blues are just temporary and will pass. Both you and your puppy will adjust to the new norm. Happy took one week to get the hang of toilet training, and I took one month to get used to dog ownership with a drastic change in the lifestyle (freestyle to routine).

It is all right to be frightened and stressed out, just like everyone else. You care for the puppy, which is different from your comfort zone, so those emotions are completely normal. It is ok to ask for help. It helps by talking to other dog owners. I joined many Facebook groups where fellow dog owners share their own stories, reassure you, give you a new outlook – and remember the happiness of dog ownership. Always remember that your puppy is just a child. Like human babies, we pee in diapers and learn how to go toilet as we grow up.

Once your puppy starts to calm down, life starts relaxing again even more (although never back to what was happening). The bond you develop with your new puppy removes the emotions of panic and fear that you have previously endured. All this effort, time, and resources invested will build a bond with the dog you have always dreamt.

Categories: Wellbeing