It can be hard to choose your puppy/dog if you are an experienced dog or dog owner for the first time, just like me. There are both ethical and practical implications. I will leave the ethics of breeding aside, and my sharing will be more relevant to you who wants to get a dog. Why would you buy rather than adopt?

Adopting, if this is considered, is usually faster and cheaper at the initial stage. The risk is that you know much less than you do about the pup’s temperament or health problems with a pure breed, particularly with rescue puppies. Perhaps a specific behavioural issue that may not be suitable for you, or you may be lucky to find one that would be similar enough to your favoured breed and lifestyle in the shelters.

Buying allows you to know what you’re getting regarding the dog’s breeding and lineage. Contrary to rescues, the risk of buying a puppy with a pre-existing medical condition is usually lower. You will have the opportunity to mold your puppy as it grows with a blank slate, and you know exactly what to write on it. However, you may unknowingly contribute to the puppy mill industry even with the assurance from the breeder/pet stores.

So which one? A great dog can come from anywhere! I feel this is a personal decision. Whether it’s a puppy or a rescue, the commitment is similar. The good news is that you also get to the same finish line with both choices. You would have an incredible family member who loves you unconditionally for their entire life!

Categories: How To