Just like humans, dogs get sick and may get into accidents and can be injured. Insurance coverage is mostly designed to help you pay for large medical (veterinary) expenses. How do you predict it if it is going to be unexpected? We can’t know 100% what the bills are.

Buying insurance to me is not to pay for small medical bills (technically, every pet owner should afford basic health needs). I chose to buy pet insurance as a protection against future big bills, not to break even. I could save and extend the life of Happy by having the means to go ahead with the best medical option available and not restricted based on finances. It helps to give me peace of mind – protect against the unexpected.

Recall here the breed of your dog. Happy is a brachycephalic (flat-faced, short snort) breed and is predisposed to upper airway tract obstruction and subsequent respiratory distress – brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS). Happy – French bulldog/pug mix also has a genetic predisposition to hip looseness or laxity, increasing the rate of progression of the disorder – hip dysplasia. Intervertebral Disk Back Disease (IVDD) is also common to bulldogs and French bulldogs due to the breed’s genetic predisposition. The onset may be sudden and occur at a young age. These predispositions are potentially expensive health problems.

It is important to choose policies that cover your dog’s hereditary conditions and a company that offers the best accident and illness coverage for your dog. Look out for policy restrictions and age limits, so it’s best to get pet insurance as early as possible to avoid extra fees. The focus should always be on coverage for those things you cannot afford to pay out of pocket.

An alternative option that I have learned is to set up contingency savings by way of monthly savings. Instead of paying insurance premiums, the monies are saved into a savings account. There is no right or wrong option, and it is always good to save (prepare) for a rainy day. I wish you the very best when it comes to finding which option is right for you and your little loved ones!

Categories: Lifestyle